The Vision

"Equipping People for Victorious Living"

WE BELIEVE the God that equipped and empowered David to defeat the looming giant of his day is the SAME GOD that still equips and empowers His church TODAY to defeat the modern-day giants of our day! Embracing that same fiery faith that David embodied, we at 5-Stone Church are committed to “Equipping People for Victorious Living.”


1. We will create a safe space &place for people to WORSHIP DEEPER
• 5-STONE CHURCH pursues the power and presence of God in our lives both privately and corporately through our actions, words, thoughts, prayers and songs. TOGETHER we have the great opportunity to corporately experience WORSHIP on a DEEPER level as the Heavens open up during our Worship Experiences and invades our earthly atmosphere and lives. Therefore, we wil make every effort to cherish and protect those special moments as we draw near to our Heavenly Father, by His Holy Spirit, and through Jesus Christ our Savior.

2. We choose to be life-long learners &to help others in our local church to GROW HIGHER
• 5-STONE CHURCH experiences our greatest potential as our family members make the commitment to grow in their faith. As followers of Christ, we are becoming less so God can become more. Surrender births Transformation, which leads to the greatest Spiritual Growth and Victories possible. TOGETHER we find the potential to Grow to HIGHER HEIGHTS than we ever could reach individually. This takes more than just coming to church on Sunday. It's a radical life change. Therefore, we will commit to do whatever is needed to not only grow ourselves, but to grow others as well.

3. We embrace a Family2.0 culture & enjoy the journey as we CONNECT STRONGER
• 5-STONE CHURCH is an adoption center. We are adopted brothers and sisters to each other, adopted sons and daughters to those whose wing we are under, adopted parents and grandparents to those who are under our wing, and we are ALL adopted into the Family of God through faith in Jesus Christ! TOGETHER the church experiences the strongest potential for Abundant Living! There's no other place to experience this level of emotional support, prayer support, burden-bearing encouragement & exhorting, wise guidance, and Spiritual Gifts. Therefore, we will go to great lengths to promote, protect, and enjoy the church culture of a"FAMILY 2.0" connection.

4. We will always bring our best, using our time, talents, &treasures to GIVE GREATER
•  As 5-STONE CHURCH Family Members, we are striving to bring our best to God. We believe "Ministry" means putting our gifts & talents to work. It is our heartbeat to make a GREATER impact for God's Kingdom by GIVING our
TIME, TALENTS & TREASURES with excellence toward the many needs locally, regionally, and globally. TOGETHER we have the opportunity to GIVE GREATER than we ever could individually. Therefore, we make the high commitment to be an active part of what the church is doing, not just spectating. We will serve the ONE TRUE GOD together in ONE ACCORD as ONE FAMILY, with ONE VISION, and ONE PURPOSE. We desire less and less of our ways and more of His.

5. We love people both inside &outside our church walls with a passion to REACH FARTHER
• The 5-STONE CHURCH Family embraces the belief that "FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!" Because His love has found us, we join the effort to find others who are in need. TOGETHER we have the awesome potential to REACH FARTHER and accomplish more for the Kingdom of God than we ever could alone. Therefore, we wil passionately reach out with open arms to accept, love, and adopt the wayward, the lost, the broken, the self-destructive, the confused, and the hurting into the Healing Grace of the Family of God. #responsibility #greatcommission